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Horse First Aid Supplies - Horse Liniments

Horse First Aid Supplies and Horse Liniments are important to keep on hand for unexpected emergencies. Bit of Britain offers a large selection of horse first aid supplies and liniments for a well-stocked first aid kit. Horse first aid supplies include items such as wound ointment, wraps, iodine pads, alcohol wipes, peroxide, syringes, scrub brushes, and scissors. Liniment rinses, liquids, and gels can help reduce swelling and ease pain from bruises, bumps, sprains, and muscle soreness. Some liniments can be diluted with water and used as a brace or invigorating body wash for daily use. Liniments work well on horses with arthritis to calm joint pain and offer soothing relief. Search Bit of Britain for all of your horse first aid supplies and be prepared for anything.